
This site aims to aggregate and disseminate information about the Heindrickson family in Brazil.

PLEASE NOTE: Many new documents have been included in Apr/03/2010. See the tab "Documents"!

Researches indicate that the Brazilian Heindricksons are originary from Russia. They were part of the so-called "German-Russians", that is, German farmers who colonized  inhospitable regions of Russia, at a time when those countries were more united politically. Later, the political conditions have deteriorated, and many of the "German-Russians" migrated to other countries, including Brazil. This explanation makes sense, since the pioneers landed here with Russian passports, while cultivating all aspects of German culture, including language. More information about the "German-Russians" can be found at:

Here you can find information about the pioneers, copies of their documents, labels of beverages (pop) produced, as well as the known family members in Brazil.

In case you have additional information about the familiy or are a Heindrickson yourself, please feel free to contact us.

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